IT&C Security
The master is recognized by students, academia and industry as one of the best MSc master programs on IT&C Security and Cybersecurity in Bucharest.
MSc Program
Since 2005 we have been educating professionals in the area of the information technology and communications security. In 2010, we started our first steps with ‘I18N-internationalization’ having the didactical activities in English.
Academic Partnership
The program academic staff gathers well known professors and specialist from partner universities and from the IT industry
The IT&C SECURITY MASTER – ISM program is organized since 2005 within the Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics ( | from Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
The master is recognized by students, academia and industry as one of the best master programs on IT&C Security in Bucharest. Reasons for doing this master:
- Knowledge on IT&C Security has become a must have topic for developers, software engineers, quality assurance engineers, DB admins, systems admins, IT consultants;
- Enlarge your computer science skills and your horizon of jobs opportunities;
- The master courses and laboratories are scheduled in weekends;
- The master degree is recognized internationally;
- Some courses are organized by specialists from industry leading companies like Intel, IBM and Oracle.
Our Mission
Sharing theoretical knowledge and practical technological transfer from IT&C Security field among the developers, administrators, project managers and users of the electronic devices eco-system.
Rising the security and reliability level of development and deployment of e-Systems taking in consideration the risks of cyber-attacks and specific issues.
The education of high level specialists in IT&C and Informatics Security.
To share and transfer the practical & theoretical knowledge from IT&C Security field among the developers, administrators, project managers and users.
ISM Features
Since 2005 we have been educating professionals in the area of the information technology and communications security. In 2010, we start our first steps with ‘I18N-internationalization’ having the didactic activities in English.
ISM CTF 2023 Contest
CTF 2023 In 2023, the ISM CTF contest will take place in November 25 – 26 and is opened for all bachelor […]
UNbreakable Romania – Winter 2021
We are pleased to support the 2021 Autumn UNbreakable Romania initiative – the national competition organized for students who are preparing for […]
Admission 2021 – English interview
Interviul în limba engleza pentru candidații care au optat pentru programul de masterat de Securitatea Informatică are loc Miercuri, 28 iulie 2021, […]
UNbreakable Romania 2021
We are pleased to support the UNbreakable Romania initiative – the national competition organized for students who are preparing for a career […]
Cyber Security Master – Opening meeting for the 1st year master students
The opening of the master master program ISM – ICT | Cyber Security Master Opening, will take place on Friday, 02.10.2020, hour 18:30, on […]
HACK THE ZONE Conference
Conferința anuală HackTheZone își propune sa aducă la un loc pasionații de IT Security, prezentatori de top și companii dornice să angajeze […]
Some of our partners that we are proud to call friends

Location: Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, Office 2315, 3rd floor, Virgil Madgearu Building, Calea Dorobantilor Ave. No. 15-17, District 1, Bucharest 010552, Romania
Phone number: (+40) 021 319 19 00 / int 310 or 331
E-mail: |
Faculty Secretary: Alexandra Florea (
Directions: If you use the subway, get down at Piata Romana station on the M2 magistral. If you come from the Gara de Nord railway station take the 79 or 86 bus. Buses 300, 301, 330, 331 have stations in or near Piata Romana square